Sugar Profile [3] Trade Aid


Trade Aid are really committed to their supply chain; the Fair Trade and Organic Standards are designed to support co-operatives and even out the impact of erratic and low prices on vulnerable and also small producers. Read more about them here:


I wish we could get Fair Trade tea/ coffee/ hot choc at work, but until then I bring my own. See if you can get your office to change their supply to trade aid for a few extra cents and a whole lot more sweet justice!


Breaking the Fast

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So its the end of the vegan, sugarless month, and I enjoyed the best cup of tea I’ve had for 30 days! PLUS the most delicious organic sugar soy NiceCream! Thanks Tommy & James!

So I kind of lost sight of the sugar issue, while focusing so much on the vegan, but going forward I am going to do my best to avoid sugar and chocolate which is not certified organic or Fairtrade.

With today being WORLD VEGETARIAN DAY, kicking of Vegetarian month, I am going to re-introduce dairy, eggs and honey (hooray!) but stick with the vegetarian diet and keep exploring sugar!

I encourage you you join in with veggie month or a day a week!

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so sweet so fine?


Hi I’m Sophie, for the month of September (& beyond!) I am going to join the ‘Quit sugar vegan challenge’ for both health and ethical reasons.

I was inspired by a visit to Bristol’s Mshed Museum where many personal accounts of the slave trade were displayed. Whilst viewing a delightful display of teacups and reading about Mary Anne Galton’s sugar boycott, I thought “why don’t we do that now?” and…

Why do we not have fair trade sugar in the supermarkets in NZ?!

If the women of the 18th century could make a difference by omitting sugar from their tea, then why don’t I start with something small to make a stand on some of the big issues I care about?!