Breaking the Fast

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So its the end of the vegan, sugarless month, and I enjoyed the best cup of tea I’ve had for 30 days! PLUS the most delicious organic sugar soy NiceCream! Thanks Tommy & James!

So I kind of lost sight of the sugar issue, while focusing so much on the vegan, but going forward I am going to do my best to avoid sugar and chocolate which is not certified organic or Fairtrade.

With today being WORLD VEGETARIAN DAY, kicking of Vegetarian month, I am going to re-introduce dairy, eggs and honey (hooray!) but stick with the vegetarian diet and keep exploring sugar!

I encourage you you join in with veggie month or a day a week!

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Dining out with Dietary requirements #1

Burger Fuel


Thanks to Burger Fuel who have done a great job at providing vegetarian, vegan options and even low carb (lettuce burger instead of bun!!) convenience food. I ordered a soy shake without any flavouring (to avoid the sugar syrup) but it was very thick so I’m not sure if it was ice or soy ice cream..

Great to be able to have an easy meal out with meat eaters & everyone gets a good range of choice. 8/10