Day one!

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I generally only like to purchase things on special, but when it comes to bulk bin, health food shops or Trade Aid, I spend ages (and many dollars!) perusing and choosing, as I love knowing the products have been sourced ethically and the communities connected to them are looked after.

Today I stocked up on delicious organic nutrient rich grains, pulses, legumes, seeds and nuts to replace my dairy and meat intake. I also purchased the only “sugars” I will be consuming this month: Organic dates, Organic Sultanas and Fairtrade Organic Blackstrap Molasses.

Now I know there is fructose in these, but I am not being an entirely sugar free purist, as I believe there are other benefits to fruit. The molasses is for its nutritional profile and I will have <1 tsp/ day.

Some interesting info on molasses can be found here

A tablespoon or around 20 grams of blackstrap molasses contains 5.88 g of sucrose, 2.56 g of fructose, and 2.38 g of glucose. This composition of sugar compounds results in a glycemic index of 55.

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